Vinyasa Yoga
For those individuals with active yoga experience: Vinyasa classes vary, but common features are rapid flowing poses, sun salutations and synchronizing movement with breath for a “total fitness” workout class. Vinyasa classes will provide thorough instructions on linking asanas (postures) through the breath. This type class is designed to prepare students for a more vigorous Vinyasa flow class and will build strength and stamina. It will include an introduction to basic asanas, sun salutations, the chakra system - your body's seven energy centers, and with a concentration on the many health benefits of yoga. Begin your own vinyasa yoga practice ...

Adult Basic Yoga
The Adult Basic Class is recommended for any adult new to or returning to yoga practice and also students who choose to maintain a level of structured guidance. Class emphasis is placed on easy to do yoga postures (Asana), balance, breath awareness and relaxation ...

Restorative Yoga
Can’t shut your mind down when your body is craving a rest? Still exhausted when you wake up? This class will focus on how to teach your mind and body to relax and achieve the deep, healing “rem” sleep your body needs to wake refreshed and ready to start the day. Learn how a short “power rest” to clear the mind can give you that extra boost on a stressful day. When you crave deep rest, come to a restorative class, where you will be guided into supported poses that allow you to sink into utter relaxation and soothe you're ...

Yoga for Seniors
Yoga for Seniors is a gentle, seated and standing series designed to increase energy, improve balance, develop muscle strength, build endurance, and encourage full range of motion movement. This is a class best suited for those who are challenged by injury, limited range of motion, joint replacement, or pain related conditions, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and diabetes. Yoga is the Perfect Exercise for Seniors We look forward to retirement, a time in life when we can “take it easy”. However, the problem with taking it easy is that it can often lead to a life of little, or worse yet, no ...

Yoga for Children
Children ages 8-12 years have more control and they are able to comprehend the basic concepts of a yoga practice. Most are ready to experience the benefits of doing the poses accurately and the health benefits yoga provides. Anatomy and philosophy are introduced. The teaching focus includes reinforcing positive behavior in a group and classroom setting. Benefits of Children's Yoga Encourages Self-Esteem Aids in Relaxation Increases Body Awareness Enhances Flexibility and Strength Improves Balance and Coordination Fosters Cooperation and Compassion Helps them develop a relationship with the world around them ...

Yoga for Special Needs
A gentle and therapeutic program of yoga techniques designed to enhance the natural development. Students with special needs, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Microcephaly, Autism and other developmental disabilities; also effective in the treatment of ADD, ADHD and other learning disabilities. An integrated series of balanced yoga poses to increase body awareness, strength and flexibility, specialized breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to improve concentration and reduce hyperactivity. Give me a call today at 517-439-9357 to learn more about yoga for special needs ...

Lovely Chubby Yoga
This class is designed to help students 30 pounds or more over ideal body weight feel beautiful and confident in their own skin. No longer do you need to feel self conscious and limited. You are strong, beautiful, and capable of a great deal more than you know. This class consists of breath awareness, warm up, slow non-strenuous workout, and a guided deep relaxation meditation ...

Yoga for Veterans
Warriors at Peace Discover Yoga’s ability to soothe and repair war torn minds and spirits. This is an alternative therapy to help veterans deal with combat stress and the physical pain that’s sometimes a memento of military service. Yoga is also an effective tool in helping to reduce dependency on pain and sleep medications. Vets get their first two classes free. Follow these links to learn more about Yoga for Vets: Healing Life’s Traumas with Yoga Harvard, Brigham Study: Yoga Eases Veterans PTSD Symptoms Veterans Turn To Yoga To Cope With PTSD A Breath of Hope How Yoga Can Help ...

Top Ten Reasons to Try Yoga
1. Stress Relief Yoga reduces the physical effects of stress on the body. By encouraging relaxation, yoga helps to lower the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Related benefits include lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving digestion and boosting the immune system as well as easing symptoms of conditions such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia. 2. Pain Relief Yoga can ease pain. Studies have demonstrated that practicing yoga asanas (postures), meditation or a combination of the two, reduce pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, auto immune diseases and hypertension as well as arthritis, ...

Corporate Crunch
No time for a workout? At an opportune time, before, during or after work, I will come on-site to your place of business to teach a corporate sponsored (or individual group of co-workers) yoga session. Clear the mind, revitalize the body and increase productivity with yoga. Each class will focus on the needs of the attending students. Think a mid-day workout doesn't fit into your daily plan? Consider this: Research from Stockholm University in Sweden found that employees were equally or more productive when they exercised for two and a half hours during the week than when they spent that ...