Vinyasa Yoga

For those individuals with active yoga experience:

Vinyasa classes vary, but common features are rapid flowing poses, sun salutations and synchronizing movement with breath for a “total fitness” workout class.

Vinyasa classes will provide thorough instructions on linking asanas (postures) through the breath.  This type class is designed to prepare students for a more vigorous Vinyasa flow class and will build strength and stamina.

It will include an introduction to basic asanas, sun salutations, the chakra system – your body’s seven energy centers, and with a concentration on the many health benefits of yoga.

Begin your own vinyasa yoga practice with Yogi Rhonda today. Vinyasa style classes are available in Hudson at Kim’s Wellness Center and in Adrian at the Lenawee Co. Human Services building. If you want all the benefits of a vinyasa class, but need to be gentler with your body, our Gentle Yoga class incorporates the flow work of vinyasa with seated and standing positions. Gentle Yoga classes are available at Rayba’s Tennis Retreat in Hudson.

Check the Calendar for class days and times.